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Wright On

Florida Times-Union reporter Michael C. Wright covers the ins and outs of the Jacksonville Jaguars. In this blog, he'll share behind-the-scenes anecdotes not published within the pages of the T-U, in addition to offering up incessant ramblings about nothing such as road trips, crummy hotels and not-so-delicious press box food. Perhaps he'll even delve into serious discussions about NFL issues. So ask questions, participate in conversations, or just learn more about the Jags.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Jaguars discipline

With all that's happened with the Jags off the field recently, I'm curious to know people's ideas for discipline on this team.

If you were Jack Del Rio, how would you guys handle the situation?

Shoot me your responses and please, please, keep it clean.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Jags fans everywhere

I've got to take my hat off to the Jaguars fans that travelled to New Orleans.

Hanging out on Bourbon St. with colleagues Sam Borden and Dennis Evans, you better believe we saw all the Jags fans out in full force in New Orleans on Saturday. Sam and I had dinner at a spot called The Embers, which is on a balcony on Bourbon St. From there, we could see plenty of teal in the midst of a festive atmosphere in New Orleans (Wow, is it like this every Saturday night in the Big Easy?). We even spotted a Jaguars flag just a few feet from our table at The Embers. Literally, Sam and I sat just a few feet from this flag. I've got to say I'm pretty impressed with the Teal Army, which seemed to be out in full force on Bourbon St. For those that didn't notice, I was the guy wearing a camouflage cap with the long-sleeved olive green shirt. I can be a little tough to notice next to a superstar like Sam "The Bam" Borden.
I'll have more for you on game day.